My views on Christianity

This is the post excerpt.

This is my first blog post so please be patient with me.  I want to start by saying that these views and opinions are mine and have been gained through experience and knowledge from others experiencing these situations first hand.

This election has brought out hate through America that I have never witnessed.  Our America was built on Immigrants.  We welcomed everyone regardless of faith. I just want to make it clear that if you are offended by the fact I feel like we should welcome everyone and not be a hateful country YOU have the problem. If you think your Christianity gives you the right to sit on a pedestal and tell others they’re religion is Wrong is crazy to me. I believe in God but that’s me. I don’t try to change others. My middle eastern friends don’t try to change me and my agnostic and atheist Friends and family do not try to change me. I am sure that everybody feels like their believes is right and passionate about it but please educate yourself on the Muslim religion. There are many parts to it. You would probably be surprised what is If you don’t want to educate yourself on it that is fine also just do not speak of it. Tired of the judgment tired of the hypocrisy tired of the hate.  To judge middle eastern based on their faith because it is different from yours is appalling to me.  Is it East versus West, North versus South?  I feel like we are all fighting one another.  We are all fighting for what we think is correct.  I hope that everyone has the strength and spirit to keep fighting for freedom for all. As a nation we can not stand alone.  We need our allies.  We need support and we need to support others.  I am not saying I know the answer to anything going on in the world, what I do know is I welcome everyone no matter what their faith or lack of is because it is their chose.  I grew up in a Christian home, Catholic and Lutheran family members, and I went to a Catholic school for 2 years, I was also raised not to question others on their beliefs or ask for it did NOT define them as a person.  My parents taught me to always look at the person for who they are and how they act.  How do they treat others? What is their moral compass? Do they love themselves and others?  People were never judged for the color of their skin or their religion.  I feel as though everyday we go back in time in America.  We are not moving forward as a region.  We need to make our voices heard.  We need to advocate for everyone.  If you claim to be a christian you have an obligation to love and accept everyone and not judge others.  I understand it is in our human nature to judge and compare as that is obviously what I am doing right now in passing judgement on those not acting like I think they should.  

As stated in John 13:34 

John 13:34New International Version (NIV)

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

So why are we not doing that?  Why do we not as Christians give love to everyone like God loved and loves us?  Why do we pick away  what we want to out of the Bible to benefit us?

Leviticus 19:33

“Do not take advantage of foreigners who live among you in your land. 34Treat them like native-born Israelites, and love them as you love yourself. Remember that you were once foreigners living in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.

  • So we are to not take advantage of foreigners,  treat all like native born.

“O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. He is an outright enemy to you.” (Holy Quran: 2, 208)

The Quran states enter into peace, do not follow satan.

The root word of Islam is ‘Silm’, which means peace. So the spirit of Islam is the spirit of peace. The first verse of the Quran breathes the spirit of peace; it reads: “In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.”

This verse is repeated in the Quran no less than 114 times. It shows the great importance Islam attaches to such values as Mercy and Compassion. One of God’s names, according to the Quran, is As-Salaam, which means Peace. Moreover, the Quran states that the Prophet Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) (may Allah exalt his mention) was sent to the world as a mercy to mankind. [Quran: 21:107]

I just want to say that these are my opinions and some are facts.  I will site my sources from the versus down below.  Thank you everyone and peace to all.

Author: equalityforall2017

We are best friends with many of the same beliefs and passion for equality for all!!

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